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300 грн
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All the features

What are the features of this module?

With this module, you can set different prices for different groups of buyers, including the default group. It is also possible to set different prices not only depending on the group, but also depending on the product category and manufacturer.

Latest update

  1. The module has been completely rewritten
  2. Updated design
  3. The module has become more flexible and convenient.
  4. Prices can be specified not only for categories or manufacturers, but also for categories and manufacturers.
  5. Each setting can be temporarily disabled.
  6. For categories, you can specify that settings apply to all subcategories
  7. You can change the order of sorting rules using the mouse through the drag&drop interface
  8. Ability to update prices for product options
  9. Ability to update prices for OpenCart promotions
  10. Ability to display the module discount as an OpenCart promotion - the old price will be crossed out
  11. The ability to round the results to decimal places or to tens, hundreds or thousands before the comma


1. The module makes it possible to change all prices on the site in a couple of clicks.

For example, you can increase all prices on the site for all buyers, for example. 5%

Or increase it by 5% for everyone, and on the contrary, reduce it by 10% for buyers from the "Wholesalers" group.

Or increase it by 5% for all, and for goods from the category "Laptops" by only 3%, for goods from the category "Keyboards" by 10%. And it is 10% cheaper to sell keyboards to wholesalers.

Or for the manufacturer Intel to give everyone a 5% discount

And so on.

You can also set a fixed price. For example, you can increase the price by $10 on all products from the "Laptops" category

Everything is done in 2-3 mouse clicks:

- Go to the module page

- We set the required markup (+ or -) for the required category of buyers

- press save

After that, the new price will be displayed everywhere on the site* (on the product page, in the catalog, in the cart, etc.). The module does not change the old price in the database, it changes the display of this price that buyers see on the store pages.

* the module was tested on a standard store and should work normally in any third-party module that uses standard opencart functions to receive goods. And it will not change the price in modules that use their own methods to get the product from the database (in this case, you will need to change this module a little).

2. With the help of this module, you can change the actual prices in the database and change prices "on the fly" without changing the price in the database.


Ukrainian, Russian, English
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Module installation instructions:

  1. Before performing any actions to install the add-on in Opencart, we recommend creating a backup copy of all site files and the store database;
  2. Install the localcopy fix (if you don't have it installed yet)
  3. Download the module file for the required Opencart version from our website (Follow the installation instructions if there are any in the module archive);
  4. Then go to the "Installing add-ons/extensions" section and click on the "Download" button;
  5. Select downloaded file and wait for the module to be fully installed and the text "Application installed successfully" to appear;
  6. Then go to "Application Manager" and update the modifiers by clicking the "Update" button;
  7. After these actions, you need to add the rights to view and manage the module in the "User Groups" section for the administrator or other users you select by clicking "Select All"
After completing these steps, your module will be installed and ready to use, and you can start configuring it!

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