If a module is not working properly or an error occurs after installation, it is important to conduct a systematic analysis to identify and resolve possible issues. Here are some steps you can take:
Enable PHP error reporting: Enable PHP error reporting on your website. This will allow you to view detailed error messages that can help you understand what's going wrong.
Check error logs: Check the error logs on the server and in the CMS. This may provide additional information about the errors that occurred.
Compatibility Check: Make sure the module is compatible with the CMS version you are using. Version incompatibility can cause problems.
Checking dependencies: Some modules may depend on other modules or libraries. Make sure that all required dependencies are installed and configured correctly.
Update Modifiers: Make sure you update your modifiers as instructed. This may be necessary to apply changes made by the module.
Check for code changes: If there have been a lot of code changes and additions to your site, this may affect the functionality of the new module. Check for conflicts between the changes and the module.
Testing on the default template and without additional modules: To identify the problem, check if the module works on the default template and without other modules installed. This will help identify conflicts.
Contact Support: If none of the above steps help, please contact support. For additional paid support, we will help you resolve the issue.
Check the module code and instructions for errors: Check the module code for possible errors or typos. Also, make sure you followed the installation instructions correctly.
Undo changes: If a module is causing serious problems, consider temporarily disabling or removing it until the problem is resolved.
Create a backup: Before making any changes or fixes, create a backup of your website and database. This preliminary measure is intended in case something goes wrong.
Seek help: If you can't solve a problem yourself, seek help from experts or the community that works with your CMS.
Remember that finding a solution may require careful analysis and experimentation. It is important to stay calm and systematically explore all possible options.