IMSmartyTag (OC 3) - Generator of tags (labels) for products based on text analysis, titles, meta keys
Tags or labels are one of the tools for seo promotion (seo) and, as a result, obtaining additional free traffic from search engines.
If used correctly, it can also help increase the weight of pages and create a user-friendly navigation system, as suggested by the IMSmartyTag (OC 3) module.
When it comes to articles, the use of tags (labels) is easily organized, because there are usually few articles in the online store and they are written for a long time.
However, when it comes to products, things are not so good. First, no supplier will export such things. Therefore, you need to think about it yourself. Second, goods are frivolous things and often their descriptions are generated or synonymized (including things like replacing words).
Manual tagging is a very useful activity, but it will be done by units, since the volume is so large that there is little point in this activity.
IMSmartyTag (OC 3) is designed to solve this problem. It allows you to automate the analysis and selection of words to indicate tags. The essence is that all the texts (description, h1/title, meta keywords and description) for each product are taken and an analysis of the words is performed for their frequency of occurrence. Based on the parameters, a sample of the appropriate tags is created and recorded in the product properties.
At the same time, the system of filters and various parameters of the IMSmartyTag module allows you to easily touch only part of the products and avoid routine.
If you approach this tool wisely, then in literally a short time you will be able to increase the weight of the pages, improve the linking and raise some of the free traffic from the search engines.
Advantages and possibilities
- A complex filter to customize the generation in IMSmartyTag
- Ability to specify specific products based on a filter
- Different settings can be set for each category: "Replace empty", "Add if missing", "Overwrite"
- The [product_meta_h1] field is supported if it is present in the database
- During generation, all settings for the "Category, Language" pair are remembered, so you can always continue generating texts. When you select a category, the settings are automatically pulled up. If the settings were previously saved for the category, then the last ones will remain in the form, which is especially useful for sequential navigation of categories.
- Multilocalization - generate texts for each language separately
- Everything is done using Ajax, so you don't have to constantly wait for a reload (relevant for different generation schemes).
What can be adjusted
- You can specify the type of record
- Word Search Type: Only words or alphanumeric characters with hyphens
- Ability to specify the importance of words in the title (h1/product name)
- Tag limiter
- List of words to exclude from search and analysis
- Minimum and maximum number of words in one tag
- Minimum and maximum word length. It is especially useful in order not to suffer with a list of stop words.
- Minimum and maximum number of occurrences in order not to disturb the "nausea" of the text and to narrow the search.
- Note that IMSmartyTag overwriting means that if the required tags are not entered, the product field becomes empty
- html tags are cut out.
- Everything is completely on ajax.
- Requires boostrap and jquery
- The main category and meta_h1 make sense for ocStore. In the case of pure OpenCart, they are automatically ignored, unless, of course, you have added the corresponding features (fields to the base).
- It is important to understand that the collection and analysis operation can be very resource intensive. It mostly depends on the volume of texts, as well as the range of the number of words in one tag. The larger the range, the more RAM and CPU time is required.
- Line breaks and special characters are removed from the source text before parsing. So, for example, the last word in a paragraph and the first word in the next paragraph can be a phrase. Take note of this. In principle, this is similar to how the same Google calculates shingles.
General tag selection algorithm
In order to get a better idea of what can be achieved using this module, here is the general selection algorithm.
1. First, based on the filter from the first part, a set of products is formed, which will be analyzed.
2. Then the texts of each product are analyzed separately. So, a list of product words is formed.
2.1 Based on the specified tag selection criteria settings and the received word list, all possible combinations of words that satisfy the tag selection criteria are formed.
2.2 Depending on the mode and the required number of words, a list of the most suitable tags for the product is formed and, if necessary, this set is recorded in the database.
It is important to note that the recording mode also affects the actions of the module:
1. Replace empty (set by default) - means that only those products that do not have tags will be filled.
2. Add if not enough - means that, if necessary, the tags that were added to the existing tags will be added
selected, up to the required number of tags.
3. Overwrite - means that the tags will be completely rewritten. It should be taken into account that in this mode, if the product had tags, and during the analysis no matching ones were found, the product tags will be cleared.
During the analysis, the following product fields are taken into account:
1. Either the title or H1 (if the latter is supported - the meta_h1 field)
2. Main text
3. Title (meta_title), meta description and meta keys
In order to get a better idea of what can be achieved using this module, here is the general selection algorithm.
Installation and use
0. Make a backup of the site - standard practice.
1. Unzip the archive. Copy the "admin" and "system" directories to the root of the site. Don't worry, no files will be overwritten
2. Open the admin window and install the module
3. Open the module (editing) in the admin
4. Use it.
License and Use
Made for OpenCart,,,, ocStore,
By purchasing the module, you automatically agree to the text of the license.
The module has an "as is" distribution principle.
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Module installation instructions:
- Before performing any actions to install the add-on in Opencart, we recommend creating a backup copy of all site files and the store database;
- Install the localcopy fix (if you don't have it installed yet)
- Download the module file for the required Opencart version from our website (Follow the installation instructions if there are any in the module archive);
- Then go to the "Installing add-ons/extensions" section and click on the "Download" button;
- Select downloaded file and wait for the module to be fully installed and the text "Application installed successfully" to appear;
- Then go to "Application Manager" and update the modifiers by clicking the "Update" button;
- After these actions, you need to add the rights to view and manage the module in the "User Groups" section for the administrator or other users you select by clicking "Select All"