SimplePars - product parser for filling your online store on Opencart 2.x, 3.x
It works according to a very simple and clear scheme. First, you configure the parameters, namely where to get the product (from which online store, etc.), and then according to what criteria it should enter the catalog of your site. Then the add-on will do the rest.
Features of the SimplePars parser
- Received goods can be saved not only immediately in the engine, but also in a CSV file (for example, for processing);
- Flexible setting, you can work only on the necessary links;
- In addition to simply downloading information from third-party sites, the model is used as a price processor. Balances, prices and other data can be updated;
- The ability to set your own markup when filling goods;
- When parsing, you may even need to fill out the SEO template. This is so that your new products are immediately suitable for promotion!
- Prices parsed by the SimplePars module can be processed by a popular AOP processor;
- Replacement and search of text information. Delete unnecessary data when downloading content, such as copy. Support for regular expressions;
- Parsing works in a multitasking thread, which means that its speed can be compared to overclocking a Tesla :)
- Work with authorization, Cookies, User-Agent and proxy servers with its own checker is supported;
- The module also writes information to the log;
- There is an automatic launch of CRON data parsing;
- Data parser in XML, YML;
- You can work not only with data suitable for Opencart, but also with others. The parser can be configured for blogs, portals and other data;
- And other!
What data can be parsed and loaded into products?
- cargo code (model);
- Article (Sku);
- Name (name);
- Price (Price);
- Quantity (quantity);
- Manufacturer (manufacturer);
- Description;
- Categories (category, categories);
- Image (thumb, thumbs);
- Attributes (attribute, attributes);
- Options (option, options);
- Other product data (see screenshots for details).
Installing the SimplePars module
- Go to the folder of the corresponding version of your Opencart and download everything from it to the CMS root;
- Go to the browser via: your_site/inst.php;
- Next, go to the System - Users - User groups - Administrator section, click to highlight everything in the two sections "Allow viewing" and "Allow editing", then the "Save" button;
- Go to "Modifiers" or "Application Manager" and click Update;
- You can now delete the inst.php file in the root.
SimplePars will appear in the left sidebar of the admin (Item: Catalog).
If you see a white screen, then there is a folder "Other versions of PHP" in the archive with the module. Grab the files from the PHP version you want and load them into the engine with the replacement.

YesReviews: 6
Андрій Процюк
Класний модуль, парсить майже все) трошки складний але працювати можна
Best review
Це найкорисніше доповнення, яке я тільки бачив! По 2000-3000 товарів у кожного постачальника, я не розумів як їх додати собі, але з цим модулем все робиться та оновлюється на два рази!
Отличный парсер, удалось ним спарсить 3 разных сайта, кушает все что ему даю))) работает по крону
Ніколи не писав відгуки, але тут не можу стримати себе. Купував різні парсери, ламав голову з налаштуванням, потрібного результату не вимагав. Чесно сказати, скептично ставився до цього парсера. Не скажу, що з цим все на два рази, але за пару годин самостійного налаштування я спарив безпосередньо з сайту-донора до себе в магазин 7 тис товарів, категорій з купою атрибутів, характеристик, зображень товарів. Рекомендую!
Роман Личко
Настоятельно рекомендую модуль. Большие возможности парсинга и обработки данных. Не ленитесь читать и экспериментировать и будет вам счастье
Интуитивно понятный и полезный модуль для парсинга для opencart. Однозначно советую к покупке.
Questions: 0
No questions about this product.
Module installation instructions:
- Before performing any actions to install the add-on in Opencart, we recommend creating a backup copy of all site files and the store database;
- Install the localcopy fix (if you don't have it installed yet)
- Download the module file for the required Opencart version from our website (Follow the installation instructions if there are any in the module archive);
- Then go to the "Installing add-ons/extensions" section and click on the "Download" button;
- Select downloaded file and wait for the module to be fully installed and the text "Application installed successfully" to appear;
- Then go to "Application Manager" and update the modifiers by clicking the "Update" button;
- After these actions, you need to add the rights to view and manage the module in the "User Groups" section for the administrator or other users you select by clicking "Select All"
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