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300 грн
OpenCart 2.3, OpenCart 3.0, OCStore 2.3, OCStore 3.0
All the features
Cart Keeper - a module for storing and managing customer carts

Eliminates the problem of disappearing products/cleaning the baskets of non-registered customers and allows you to store guest baskets on par with the baskets of registered buyers, with the ability to view and manage existing baskets.

Also adds the functionality of Share Cart (Shared Carts) , which makes it possible to share the contents of the cart with anyone by simply sending a link to it.
The module consists of three parts, the main part (settings) changes the mechanism of storing and working with customer baskets, the additional ones add lists of current customer baskets and shared baskets to the administrative part, with the possibility of searching/filtering and their group processing.

- saving baskets of guests/not logged in users
- shows products in the cart regardless of whether the user is logged in or not
- if you add goods to the basket under login and log out - the contents of the basket will still be shown
- does not depend on sessions and their storage terms
- cookies are used for user identification
- the possibility of using a private key for additional identification to avoid cookie forgery and access to other people's baskets

Basket list:
- View the list of current users' baskets (including unregistered ones) and their products
- filtering and searching baskets with the possibility of sorting
to the client's name/surname or part thereof
by cart ID
by user status (guest/registered)
by the number of products in the basket (when entered, it shows baskets with an equal or greater number of products)
by the date of adding to the basket, including for a certain period (start-end)
by additional information about clients (ip, user_agent)
for reports of abandoned baskets and their mailing dates

- cloning baskets
the contents of the cloned cart are added to the current shopping cart

- the possibility of changing the owner of the basket
if the selected user already has a basket - they are combined

- sending letters to registered customers about abandoned baskets

- possibility to delete selected baskets or update their storage period

- Link to go to viewing / editing data of the registered buyer
- Link to go to view / edit products from shopping carts

- if the product in the cart is disabled or deleted in the database - such a product will be highlighted in the list of carts and its product_id will be indicated (such products will be automatically removed from the buyer's cart on his next visit)
- if a previously registered buyer has been deleted from the database and there are products left in his basket - he will be shown as a guest in the list of baskets

Layered baskets:
- the possibility to share the contents of the basket via a link (including a QR code)
when following such a link, the same set of products will be added to the cart, which was at the time of its creation

- a separate list for viewing and managing shared baskets

✔ managing the shelf life of baskets
✔ the ability to update the storage period of the basket with each user visit
✔ the ability to update the shelf life of products in the cart during the user's visit

✔ a list of current baskets in the admin, with the ability to search, filter and sort, as well as view their contents
✔ copying customer baskets, including guest baskets
✔ edit customer carts without logging into their account

✔ sending letters to registered users about products forgotten in the cart
sending letters manually from the admin or in automatic mode via CRON

✔ a separate list for viewing and managing layered baskets
✔ the content of shared baskets is stored in the database regardless of the current user baskets
✔ flexible settings for creating and using layered baskets
with separate rights for guests and registered users

✔ QRcode support when creating a cart link
✔ highlighting the current shopping cart in the shopping cart list
✔ setting the limit of the number of baskets per page for display in lists

compatible with ocStore / OCSHOP Opencart versions 210x - 303x
does not change standard tables and fields in the database
does not modify standard engine files (uses OCMOD)

System requirements:
- PHP 5.3 or higher; CURL
are the basic requirements for the operation of Opencart 2.x
- mbstring extension
the library for working with multibyte encodings is usually connected in the hosting control panel
(usually already connected by default)

Installing 2x:
1. Download the ocmod.zip archive from the folder for your engine version in Add-ons > Add-ons installer *
2. Install the CartKeeper module in Add-ons > Modules
3. Configure the module, enter the license key and save the settings
4. Update the cache of modifiers in Applications > Modifiers (Application Manager)
5. Add rights to catalog/cartkeeper_list and catalog/cartkeeper_share to view and manage cart lists in System > Users > User groups

Installing 3x:
1. Download the cart-keeper-3x.ocmod.zip archive in Extensions > Installer
2. Install the CartKeeper module in Extensions > Modules
3. Configure the module, enter the license key and save the settings
4. Update the cache of modifiers in Extensions > Modifications
5. Update the theme cache in Dashboard > Developer Settings
6. Add rights to extension/cartkeeper_list and extension/cartkeeper_share in System > Users > User Groups to view and manage cart lists

Don't forget to refresh mod cache and template cache after installation!

The Additions folder contains various addons and patches.
It is recommended to familiarize yourself with their description and use them if necessary.

In order to protect the add-on from illegal use, part of the files of the control module are obfuscated (encoded), while the controller, model and template of the module are open source.


OpenCart 2.3, OpenCart 3.0, OCStore 2.3, OCStore 3.0
Russian, English
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Module installation instructions:

  1. Before performing any actions to install the add-on in Opencart, we recommend creating a backup copy of all site files and the store database;
  2. Install the localcopy fix (if you don't have it installed yet)
  3. Download the module file for the required Opencart version from our website (Follow the installation instructions if there are any in the module archive);
  4. Then go to the "Installing add-ons/extensions" section and click on the "Download" button;
  5. Select downloaded file and wait for the module to be fully installed and the text "Application installed successfully" to appear;
  6. Then go to "Application Manager" and update the modifiers by clicking the "Update" button;
  7. After these actions, you need to add the rights to view and manage the module in the "User Groups" section for the administrator or other users you select by clicking "Select All"
After completing these steps, your module will be installed and ready to use, and you can start configuring it!

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