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OpenCart 3, ocStore 3
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Search engines focus on internal text when ranking. Even if you have the best products and you blow the dust off them, but there is no mention of the name in the product description (in the main text) (not including the title and h1), and the manufacturer is also not duplicated, then the page with this product under relevant requests will be lower than its counterparts (other things being equal).

Another problem is the presence of a large number of products, for which it is a task for those who are still enthusiastic to compose a unique text with their own hands.

Another problem is localization. With each language, the number of descriptions that need to be made increases many times. You have two languages and 100 products, be prepared to write 200 descriptions.

These and other problems can be solved with the help of the generator of seo texts and product descriptions IMGeneratorSeo (OC 3) (synonymize).

Advantages and possibilities

  • Support for Quick Templates for products and categories (data in the database does not change, only display; applied on the fly; can be quickly turned on/off).
  • Advanced generation records data in the database, which allows you not to load the site (the faster the page opens - the more Yandex, Google and other search engines like it). Especially considering the wide range of capabilities of the module.
  • An additional field with a description for products (can be quickly turned on/off). Also available for editing in the product card
  • Support for including additional fields with the ability to generate and use their values of other fields. For example, you can connect the field ean and others.
  • Product attributes are supported
  • You can use conditional functions ifequal (conditions), replace (replacement)
  • Main significant fields available for generation (excluding additional fields). Ability to set product description, meta keys, meta description, tags, title and of course h1 (if available).
  • Large filter for setting generation, including store (multistore), statuses, manufacturer.
  • Ability to specify specific products (based on the filter)
  • For each field, you can set different ways of adding: Do nothing, Replace empty, Add first, Add at the end, Overwrite
  • Additionally, you have the [product_desc] tag available, which can be inserted anywhere. Note that if the type is append, the source text is duplicated (where you specify and at the beginning/end, depending on the type)
  • Complex synonyms of the form {{param1.1|param1.2|param1.3}|{param2.1|param2.2}| param3}
  • The parent category is supported if there is one
  • The [product_meta_h1] field is supported if it is in the database
  • During generation, all settings for the "Category, Language" pair are remembered, so you can always easily continue generating texts. When you select a category, the settings are automatically pulled up. If the settings were previously saved for the category, then the last ones will remain in the form, which is especially useful for sequential navigation of categories.
  • Multilocalization/Multilingual - generate texts for each language separately
  • Everything is done using Ajax (except for the options in Settings, but it is usually enough to set them once), so you don't have to constantly wait for a reboot (relevant for various generation schemes).

Quick templates

Quick templates allow on-the-fly redefinition of product and category meta tags such as title, title, h1 (if available), meta description, and meta keywords for each language. And all this can be set up literally in 5-10 minutes.

This is particularly useful for lightweight and bulk template generation applications. Example,
" [name] [model] from [manufacturer] for [price] only with us! " for the title of the product.

Note that the template does not overwrite the database data.

Technically, the templates are applied at the level of the opencart core (standard models of products and categories), so that any modules in the client side that use the standard data retrieval model will also "see" the already generated meta tags.

For each field, you can set different ways of adding: Do nothing, Replace empty, Add first, Add at the end, Overwrite.

Fields are automatically cleaned of html tags and trimmed to 255 characters.

Note that if the field is not filled and the conditions are such that a replacement occurs, an empty value will be displayed. For example, if a template is set in H1 for one language, and an empty value is set for another, and the "Overwrite" mode is selected, then the H1 will be empty in the second language. To prevent this from happening (unless you need to add something for the second language), add a field value. In this case, "[meta_h1]". This option is left because sometimes there may be a need to temporarily and quickly make the fields empty (for example, the meta keys have been copied and need to be translated and adjusted).

Additional field with product description

Almost everyone has faced the fact that sometimes it is necessary to store product descriptions in an additional field (or maybe just generate SEO text there). For example, import and export.

Starting with version 1.7.0, the IMGeneratorSeo module provides this option.

How everything is arranged.

1. A separate table is created in the database where this field is stored for each product and its language.

2. There is an opportunity to manually edit this field in the product card.

3. In the "Settings" tab of the module, you can select an option to display the description. 4 options are available: From the main, From the main + additional, From the additional + main, From the additional. That is, you can set the display option in the way you need.

And now, to the most pleasant part.

How to generate text in this field.

Everything is very simple. In the "Products" tab, a "Table with data" drop-down list appeared. If you select "Basic", then the standard fields of the product will be filled. If you select "Additional", ONLY the FIELD WITH ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION will be filled. Other settings have no effect.

Please note that this field is also stored in the template settings ("Table with data" list).

THE MOST PLEASANT. All functionality is also available for use — functions, tags, synonyms, attributes. Please note that all data is taken from the main table only. The only thing is that the empty check is applied to an additional field (in the case of "Replace empty").

List of available tags and advanced generation features

{param1|param2|...} - a synonym for the construction

Tags: [product_id], [product_name], [product_sku], [category_id], [category_name], [manufact_id], [manufact_name], [product_tag], [product_meta_title], [product_price], [model_name],

Separately about [product_desc] - (allows you to use the current description wherever you want, but be careful when setting the replacement type)

Control elements " Select main category " and " use meta H1 " - affect generation only if your database has them. If there is no H1 in the database, then [product_meta_h1] is replaced with an empty value. So, on pure OpenCart, these settings have no effect, in ocStore they are important. If OpenCart fields have been added, then the generation will take place.

Attributes are supported during generation. They are set according to the following template - [attr_%Name of the attribute%] . If there is no product for any attribute, then [attr_%Name of attribute%] will be empty instead (any constructions of the form [attr_%Some text%] are replaced, but the text cannot contain the symbol " ] "). So that you can make templates without fear of missing attributes. The list of ready-made templates with attributes is at the bottom of the generation page.

Consider attribute group names

In normal mode, attributes are used as [attr_%Attribute Name%] , but in some cases you need to detail the name of the attribute group. In this case, the pattern will be [attr_%Attribute Group%_%Attribute Name%] .

Note that template replacements take place according to the selected option. For example, if you specified [attr_%Attribute Name%] in the templates and chose to use attribute group names, then the constructs will not be replaced with correct values (the construct data will not be replaced at all, except for empty values, but will be replaced with [attr_%Attribute Group % _%Name of the attribute%] , in the opposite situation the approach is similar).

Automatic copy of the attribute to the buffer during selection

If the option is enabled, when an attribute is selected from the attribute list, the value is automatically copied (taking into account the template) to the clipboard.

It is necessary that the browser supports the possibility of copying to the clipboard by JS (requires: document.execCommand("Copy") and jQuery().select()).

Conditional functions

To enable conditional functions, you must select "Use" in the " Use conditional functions " list. By default, the features are disabled. Nested functions are not supported.

Format of conditional functions:



1. nameFunc - the name of the function
2. param1 and others are parameters. Separator :::

Prohibited combinations inside parameters ]] and :::

To specify an empty string in a parameter, simply enter the delimiter 2 times in a row.



The ifequal function compares the first parameter to the second as a string. If they match, the third parameter is used instead, otherwise the fourth parameter is used. If you want to display the phrase only in case of a match, then the fourth parameter can be specified.

The format of the ifequal function is :


- leftValue - left value compared
- rightValue - the right value compared
- equal - displayed if the values match
- notEqual - displayed if the values do not match

When counting features, all tags, synonyms, and attributes are used, so you can make complex combinations.

Example function

[[func:ifequal:[product_id]:::42:::[product_id] - [product_name]:::{Super|Mega|Awesome|Mega awesome|Beyond awesome} product]]

If the product identifier is 42, then display the id and name, otherwise choose a beautiful phrase.

Format of the replace function:
- ListSearch - a list of searched words separated by a comma
- ListReplace - a comma-separated list of matching replacements
- Subject - output line
All tags (patterns), synonyms and attributes are supported for all parameters.
Example function
[[func:replace:My shop, (23/7):::My super shop, (24/7/365):::[product_meta_title]]]
Replace the name of the store and correct the error in the number.

Additional fields to create

Important points:
  1. Only #product and #product_description tables are supported, where # is the database prefix.
  2. The existence of the fields in the table is checked when the module is opened. If you deleted the field in the database, you need to reload the module (tab in the browser).
  3. Note that truncation by the maximum number of characters occurs as is. That is, if you have a 10 character html field and you try to write '<a href=”page1.html”>page1.html</a>', the field will write '<a href=”p'. Also note that characters are escaped, so if the field is really 10 characters long, even less will be written, namely '<a href' (for example, '<' becomes '<', and double quotes become ''').
  4. Normal text fields (if this type is selected) are replaced with values cleared of html tags. You can write an html tag in the field itself.
  5. Fields are automatically added to generation lists in the format [ac_%p or pd%_%field%] . For example, if you added the ean field to the product table, it will be tagged [ac_p_ean] , and for the product_description table (assuming you added the ean field to the table) it will be [ac_pd_ean] . For the field tag to be available, the field must be added to the module as optional. For example, if you did not add ean , then the [ac_p_ean] construct will not be replaced by the field value.
  6. Only fields with types starting with CHAR, VARCHAR, TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, or LONGTEXT (case-insensitive) are supported.
  7. Duplicate or incorrectly added fields are ignored. In the case of repeating fields, the first one is taken as the basis.
  8. The standard fields in the module cannot be changed.
  9. Note that if you fill in a field in the product table, it is language-independent. This means that if you generated a field for the same products, say isbn , with overwriting first in "Language 1" and then in "Language 2", then the data will be from "Language 2".
  10. As obvious as it sounds, remember " more fields = longer generation " (for example, a dozen html fields with test templates roughly doubled the generation time on my test server; but there's always chunk generation for that!).

Some nuances:
  1. If the name is not specified, then a name consisting of a table and a column is specified. Example. ' p_ean ' where p is the product table and ean is the field.
  2. If the length is less than or equal to 0, then the value is not truncated by length.
  3. An empty length field means 0.
  4. The field name is cleared of html tags.

The setting itself:

In the " Parameters " tab, in the " Additional columns for generation " field, the parameters of the additional columns are urgently set. 1 row = 1 field .

Record format (through comma):

[%table%], [%field%], [%editor type%], [%length%], [%Name%]

[% Table%] - p or pd . The value of p is the product table and pd is the product_description table.

[%field%] - field name in the table.

[% Editor type %] - text, html and html_no_editor . The text value is a regular text field. The HTML value is a field with an editor. The value of html_no_editor is a multiline text field. Note that for the text type, data cleaned of html tags is inserted, although the field itself may contain html.

[%Length%] is the field size. Applies to all field types. However, keep in mind that characters are escaped when saved (see the moment about the tag).

[% Name%] - the name that is displayed next to the edit field. If the name is not specified, then the name of the table and column is specified. Example. p_ean , where p is a table and ean is a field.

You can also add fields using the controls located below the " Additional columns for generation " field.

You must save the settings for the settings to apply.

You can disable field type checking (char, varchar, and others), but you do so at your own risk.

To do this, change the value of IMGS_ADD_COLUMNS_CHECK_DATA_TYPE from 1 to 0 in the file /system/IMGeneratorSeo/IMGeneratorSeoConfig.php .

  • Before each use of the module, it is recommended to make a backup copy of the database, because during generation (not fast templates), the data is written to the database and the previous values cannot be restored. In order for them to be restored, it is necessary to create backup copies of the database.
  • If you have a lot of products, the generation templates are complex, there are many attributes, and the time for php scripts is very limited, then use generation in parts.
  • Note that overwriting takes into account the old values. If you need to overwrite based on generated fields, generate them first and then reuse the generator.
  • For standard fields. Everywhere, except for the description, data cleaned of html tags is substituted.
  • The SKU field is not language specific, so be careful. Similarly, the fields from the product table are added as additional.
  • For standard fields. The Meta field is automatically truncated to 255 characters and the SKU to 64 characters.
  • If you manually added fields to pure OpenCart or through modules, please note that you need to check that the meta_h1 field allows you to contain 255 characters (similar to ocStore), and not 100, as in some versions of extensions. If there are fewer characters, you need to increase the size of the field in phpMyAdmin. Otherwise, errors may occur if the insert size exceeds the current field size during generation.
  • Note that if there is HTML inside the tags, the tags may be incorrectly perceived by the module. The module replaces only exact matches. For example, "[attr_test]" is an attribute and "<span>[</span>attr_test]" is not an attribute. Accordingly, if you have a situation where the tag seems to be added, but not replaced, then also check the html code.
    The functionality of the additional description field is designed to use standard open card models.
  • Copying attributes to the clipboard requires that the browser supports the ability to copy to the clipboard by JS (requires: document.execCommand("Copy") and jQuery().select()).
  • From version 1.8.0, a different approach to attributes - please consider this.
  • You need to set mbstring.func_overload to 0 in the site settings. If you don't know how to do this, check with your hosting. In most cases, the default value is 0 (you, as a customer, do not need to do anything), but some hostings set the value to 2. This is relevant in cases where you have problems with keys and module activation.
  • Requires boostrap and jquery

Installation and use

0. Make a backup of the site - This is a standard recommendation for any situations when you change or correct something on the site, which allows you to save a lot of time, effort and nerves.

1. Unzip the archive and copy the "admin" and "system" directories to the root of the site. Don't worry, no files will be overwritten

2. Open the admin window and install the module (reinstall)

3. Open the Extensions Installer and download the files "im_gen_seo_templates.ocmod.zip" and "im_gen_seo_product_info.ocmod.zip" in sequence. After that, update the modifiers. If you are reinstalling the modules (the versions listed), you must remove the previous modifiers.

4. You may need to clear the twig cache through the admin panel

5. Open the module (editing) in the admin and use it.

From version 1.8.0 a different approach to attributes - consider it!

For those who have not been involved in generation before

First of all, you should understand that text generation requires diligence, accuracy, leisure and data backup. The bottom line is that the generator is a powerful tool that can allow you to achieve a great effect (increasing positions and traffic, increasing conversions/sales, etc.) and lead to the opposite effect (dropping pages with too similar templates, decreasing positions, applying filters ). Therefore, when using it, nothing can be done hastily.

Before using it, you should know some basic basics. Start by reading materials on the Internet on the topic of "Reproduction of articles". How it is done. Why is this necessary? How such articles are evaluated by search engines. How does a product description differ from an article description. It is not necessary to go too deep, but it is worth knowing the basics at least at the level of an ordinary user.

Once you've read the basics, don't try to generate an entire site. Start with individual products or small categories. See how it looks and how texts are evaluated by anti-plagiarism checkers (there are many free programs and services, for example, on copyright exchanges).

Where to start the first generation.

1. Be sure to back up the database.

2. There are an incredible number of online stores today. Therefore, find an analogue of the description of any product. Rewrite the article with your thoughts so that the essence is the same, but the article is not similar. Replace the words. Rewrite the sentences. Change the pieces (phrases, paragraphs).

3. Then find places that can be multiplied (for example, {Versatile|Multifunctional|Incredible}) or, conversely, take from attributes and fields (Manufacturer [manufact_name] produces an excellent product. His batteries with power [attr_Power] are famous ...). And create a template.

4. Perform the first generation. Carefully check all the settings you set and try to imagine what texts will be at the output (to avoid a situation where the result from the previous generation will be taken from you during re-generation). Evaluate how different the texts are. And adjust the template until the texts begin to have at least 80% uniqueness.

During this time you will learn how to make templates. After that, you can proceed to the rest of the range on the website. It is important to understand that the first templates will be made for a long time, but the next ones are written quite quickly, and that it took you orders of magnitude more time to manually compose the texts.

License and Use

Made for OpenCart,,,, ocStore,

By purchasing the module, you automatically agree to the text of the license.
The module has an "as is" distribution principle.


OpenCart 3, ocStore 3
Ukrainian, Russian, English
Reviews: 1
Поляков Александр
Отличный модуль , помог быстро сделать уникальные тексы на все товары... Респект автору!
Questions: 0

No questions about this product.

Instructions for installing the module:

  1. Before performing any actions related to the installation of the add-on in Opencart, we recommend creating a backup copy of all site files and store database;
  2. Install the localcopy fix (if you haven't installed it yet)
  3. Download the module file for the desired version of Opencart from our site (Follow the installation instructions if there is one in the archive with the module);
  4. Then go to the "Installing applications/extensions" section and click on the "Download" button;
  5. Select the downloaded file and wait for the complete installation of the module and the appearance of the text "Application successfully installed";
  6. After that, go to the "Application Manager" and update the modifiers by pressing the "Update" button;
  7. Before these actions, you need to add rights to view and manage the module in the "User groups" section for the administrator, or other users of your choice, by clicking "Select all"
After completing these steps, your module will be installed and ready to use, and you can start configuring it!

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